Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The tragedy of Partition

I have an SSD in a fairly odd state after being twice repurposed and having the OS updated twice.  There is a small boot sector, an 8gb windows Vista recovery partition, a 200gb windows 8 partition and a partition for Ubuntu.  Grub is actually on one of the secondary drives. This mess is making it impossible to upgrade to 8.1 (AFAICT).

There's one born every minute, and its me.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Living large

Simple ways to have enough:
- a Queen-size bed and king-size bedding.  This is really good in the cold, when sharing a bed.
- enough socks and underwear. Sometimes the washing gets done on time, but sometimes it doesn't.  Sometimes you remember to fish used socks out and sometimes they are out of circulation for a week.  Having an extra $50 invested and 50% more socks is well worth it.
- Mythtv, Linux, and membership in some good support fora.
- home made espresso
- one thing at a time / not losing hours to attending to everything and nothing
- enjoy your commute: get some exercise or enjoy a podcast or audio book.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Sad things and Depression

My little son is having a hard time getting used to childcare.  He often gets upset, but this morning he said very specifically 'I don't want to go to this one. There are too many children. Can I go to another one?' Which is a pretty clear thought for someone who is not yet three. I had to leave him there so I could come to work, where I am currently trying and failing to implement undergrad aeroplane performance calculations in Python while all around me people are constructing sophisticated models with realistic AI agents.  Sometimes we are just Cheesoid.